Screen and identify the best job candidates with automated,
bias-free assessments.
Generate skill tests on any topic using AI with one click.
Don't have time or resources to create your own tests? No worries. Utilize our comprehensive library of tests to select the skill assessment that meets your needs.
Didn't find what you're looking for in our Library? No problem.
Generate a high-quality test on any topic using AI
No more wasted hours spent on analyzing hundreds of resumes and talking to bad candidates.
Is your screening process cumbersome and time-consuming? Replace analyzing hundreds of CVs with SkillJudge.
Identify the best candidates with just a few clicks.
Create an assessment that will include knowledge and skill tests. Take advantage of our library, and use our AI generator to create your own custom tests.
Invite the candidates manually or share a link to an invite page.
See how many answers each candidate got right. Compare the results and focus on the best ones.
A comprehensive screening process requires significant time and effort.
Discover the best candidates effortlessly with SkillJudge.